September is Back-to-School-Month, so be careful driving and look out for the rug-rats. The lodge has been getting a lot of the bulletins back that we pay to mail (return to sender, attempted – not known, unable to deliver). There is another way. If you would like to receive your Trestleboard electronically we can do that. Just send me your e-mail address and I will add you to our e-mail list. Send your e-mail address to DonRL7@pacbell.net.
We still have two candidates that will get their first degree plus we have an application in the works for next month. We are keeping busy.
We still have 20 members who have not paid their 2017 dues, I will be sending reminders the first week in September.
I am just starting to feel like I have successfully “trained” our current Master and now it is almost time for us to elect and install our next Master. This is the never ending task of the Secretary.
If our Senior Warden, Wor. Robert Eckstein is elected our next Master, this will be the third time that I will serve as his Secretary; once at Foothill Lodge, once at Alameda Lodge and now at Crow Canyon. In both of his previous terms as Master he did a wonderful job. He has a lot of good ideas to help Crow Canyon.
Everyone keep safe , see you at lodge.