The proposed per capita tax for 2017/18 is $47.00. Dues statements

were mailed out the week after the Grand Lodge Communication.
By now you should have received your statement. If for some reason you have not, send your check to the secretary in the amount of $107.00. The dues statement have been sent to you as a courtesy and is not required by CMC. Every member knows or should know that dues are payable on or before January 1st of each year.
We still have 9 members and 4 Entered Apprentices that have not paid 2017 dues. We are very fortunate to have some great investments. If not for or investments our dues would be several hundred dollars per year. I am looking for a way to save the lodge some money. Keep an eye out for a change of the lodges phone number. It takes a lot of money to run the lodge each year. As a result we have a wonderful facility for all members and their families to enjoy.