On August 13th, Grand Master Heisner of the State of California and a small group of Hispanic Masons from different Lodges had a meeting at the Oakland Scottish Rite building. The purpose of the meeting was for a granting of a dispensation for a new lodge. I am pleased to inform you that I was one of those brothers in attendance.
I am happy to inform you that as a result of this meeting a new lodge was born and I was installed as Sr. Warden. But don't think you have gotten rid of me yet. I still intend to keep myself involved in the activities of Crow Canyon Lodge as long as the activities from my new lodge do not interfere. This is not a farewell announcement. I fully intend to finish this year as your Junior Warden
We had our first State Meeting on September 15th and I am happy to report that we had all the officers’ chairs occupied along with two sideliners. The name of the new Lodge is Fraternidad de Las Americas (UD) and will hold meetings in Spanish.