Good October Brethren:
This month has the Annual Grand Lodge Communication in San Francisco. Registration opens at noon on October 12 and sessions begin on Friday 13 and continue on Saturday. Any Master Mason in good standing can attend Grand Lodge, but only Masters & Wardens can vote (each lodge also gets one vote for all of it’s Past Masters). Sunday is the Public Installation for the new Grand Lodge Officers which is open to anyone (Masons, spouses, friends, etc.). Please make sure you attend the October Stated Meeting to add to the discussion of this year’s resolutions. If you would like to review them in advance go to:
The Masonic Discussion Group did not hold it’s second meeting in September. We will set the next one for November. Also in November there will be the formation meeting for the Rod and Gun Club. Watch the Trestleboard for dates and times.
September had more 1st Degrees, the Lodge Picnic, and the Child ID program at the Castro Valley Fall Festival. Attendance at degrees is increasing. The Picnic had good food, good entertainment, and good fellowship. The Child ID was also a fun event. We served several hundred families and represented Masonry well.