Last month 16 members who’s Trestleboard are sent by email were

returned as undeliverable. I sent 18 postcards out requesting address change. Two were returned with changes. I have deleted 16 members from the email list and place them in the bulk mailing list. PLEASE when you change your email address let me know either be email or telephone. The contact information is listed in the Trestleboard.
Dues notices have been sent out and the dues for 2018 are $109.00. 4 Entered Apprentice’s and 9 Master Masons have not paid their 2017 dues. That amounts to $423.00 in per capita tax to the Grand Lodge that the lodge had to pay on their behalf. The per capita for 2018 is $48.75, Please check your dues receipts and note the expiration date.
As Thanksgiving approaches please take a moment to say a prayer for the many blessing we have and for the safe return of our troops.