
I just returned from the 168th Annual Grand Lodge Communication in San Francisco where 264 of the 312 Lodges in California were represented. There were 1,434 Master Masons registered. Various resolutions were considered and next year’s Per Capita of $48.75 was voted on and approved.
This meeting of Brothers from around the state is always eventful. The highlight for me was the Grand Oration. The theme was “Who Are We and Why Are We Here, As Masons?” This question harkens back to why we came to Masonry and why do we remain members. Masons are struggling with civility issues! Do we believe in “spreading the cement of Brotherly Love and Affection?” In today’s world, it seems to me, that civility may be the most important tenant that we should carry out of the Lodge and offer to the world through our example. What do you think?
November is a full month and we could not find an open night for The Masonic Discussion Group and for the formation meeting for the Rod and Gun Club. Watch the Trestleboard for dates and times.
By the time you read this we will have initiated 2 more men into the Craft. That will make 9 new Brothers in 2017 . . .a big accomplishment for the Lodge.