
The word “February” is believed to have derived from the name “Februa'“ taken from the Roman “Festival of Purification.” The root “februo” meaning “I purify by sacrifice.” The Officers have been sacrificing their time getting ready for our first degree of the year on February 22nd. Brother Benedict will become a new Master Mason by receiving his 3rd degree.
This month we will hold our Annual Crab Feed on February 24th. This event is always a sell out so contact the Jr. Warden or Secretary for tickets sooner rather than later.
February 17th will find us hosting the Child ID program at Babies R Us in Dublin. It is enjoyable meeting families and letting them see Masonry in action. Contact Chairman Bro. David Allen if you can attend, even if it is only for an hour.
Do you need a Lodge shirt? We will have some sample sizes available at the Stated Meeting. Try one on to determine the right size for you.