March became notorious as the date of the assassination of

Julius Caesar. The death of Caesar made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history as one of the events that marked the transition from the historical period known as the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.
Crow Canyon will mark the month of March as an uplifting and busy month. Our Stated Meeting is marked for the official visit by our Worshipful Inspector Gary Sparks. Then your senior officers will spend March 2, 3, and 4 at the Master and Wardens Retreat working and attending seminars, meeting officers from other Lodges to discuss the betterment of our Lodges and Masonry in general. We return for our second 3rd Degree for Brother Perry Klahr on March 8, starting with a light dinner at 6PM. On March 15 we will begin practicing to confer 2nd degrees. On March 22 we will celebrate Brother Anthony Lloyd’s 50th Anniversary as a Master Mason. Then we conclude the month with our first potluck.
Of special note: On March 10 at 10 AM will be our first meeting of the Crow Canyon Rod and Gun Club. Coffee, donuts, and bagels will be served. Bring your ideas. What shall we do? Gun safety, range safety, how to clean a gun, shooting competition, how to fish, fishing trips, or all of the above. Show up and plan the Clubs future.
Welcome Brother Orrin Benedict as a new Master Mason. Brother Orrin was our first degree to be conferred in 2018 which was well attended. We had many visitors from Siminoff Lodge and Worshipful Lyman Penning delivered an excellent lecture! Our Annual Crab Feed was another success. Thank you Worshipful Roy Tamez and Brother Donald Schauer for chairing this event.
On Saturday March 17 our own Worshipful Fred Avery will receive Pleasanton Lodge’s Hiram Award at the Castro Valley Masonic Center. If you would like to attend the dinner contact Pleasanton’s Secretary, Wor. Jeff Renholts at 925-462-3774 or at
We are busy and having a lot of fun at Crow Canyon so plan on attending! Masonry works best when shared with your Brethren!