Masonry recognizes members who go above and beyond to

serve the lodge and the community. Each year, the lodge has the opportunity to present a special award, called "The Hiram Award", to honor a member. Our 2018 Hiram Award Designee is Bro. Les Blake.
Les was raised in New Jersey in Nutley Lodge, #25 in 1966. He moved to California with his wife, Cheryl, and joined Crow Canyon Lodge in 2013.

Since joining our Lodge Les has been a permanent fixture in the kitchen for our Stated Meetings and other dinners. He is well-known for his fresh baked biscuits and cakes. He also serves the lodge as a Trustee for our investments and also as the head of our Visiting committee for ill or homebound brothers.
Les was presented with his 50 year pin in 2016. Les always has a smile and a fantastic attitude and is a great example of a true masonic brother. He lives in Hayward and is retired.
Les will receive his honor at a public dinner and ceremony on August 16, 2018. Please plan to join us to share the celebration with Les and his family.