When I was 9 years old, my grandfather asked me if I wanted to

join a girls group called Job’s Daughter. I said that I would go and see what it was like. I went to watch an installation and went on some trips to do fun things like the Winchester Mystery House and a Snow Trip. I got to attend an open meeting and was given my JD-to-Bee sash. As a bee, I was able to attend Grand Bethel in Visalia with another bee, it was hot, but I had a great time! After one event with the girls I knew I wanted to continue to become a true daughter and work my way up the line to become the Bethel’s Honor Queen eventually.
When I turned 10, I wanted to be initiated right away, I wrote a letter to request to be initiated sooner. I would really like to thank my Bethel sisters for working hard on their new charges and initiation work. I was proud to be able to attend my first meeting, I was even able to complete my memory work in order to take an open spot as 3rd Messenger.
It has been fun to have my parents and grandparents share how many people that I am related to who have been in Masonic groups. I am excited to continue in the Masonic heritage that existed before me, and continue in my Bethel. I have made great friends whom I can call my sisters.