June has the Summer Solstice, the day with the longest daylight of the year, typically on June 21st, which is also World Peace & Prayer Day. The month of July is named after Julius Caesar by a decision of the Roman Senate in 44 BC as July was the month of his birth. Although six months have passed, July 1 is not the mid-point of the year. The exact halfway point comes at 1pm BST (British Summer Time) on July 3rd in a non-leap year.
Congratulations to our new Fellowcraft Brothers: Andrew Hawes and Nick Bowers.
We should also be voting on two new gentlemen to receive the degrees of Masonry in our Lodge at the June Stated Meeting, Mr. Nickolas J Nelson and Mr. Tramaine Ellison.

I am pleased to announce Bro. Kay Dunn, our Chaplain, has accepted the appointment as Chairman of the Lodge Video History Committee. We would like to have a visual/oral record of the six lodges that made Crow Canyon and other interesting stories. We will start with Wor. Bill Ferrell and his presentation on how the Lodge building was built at its current address. This, and all the videos, will be uploaded to our Lodge website (www.CCL551.org) for all to view. We are asking all members who know about Crow Canyon’s history to offer your reflections and recollections for inclusion in our archive. Please contact Bro. Dunn to discuss a place and time for your interview.
We had fun at last months Rowell Ranch Rodeo Parade in Castro Valley. We joined the DeMolay, Rainbow, and Easter Star representing the Masonic Family in Castro Valley.
In June our big event will be Wor. Leonard Ambrose, PM, reception of his 50 Year Pin on Thursday June 14th. Please make reservations for this dinner and presentation.

July, as usual, will be dark after the July Stated Meeting, with one exception. The Annual Strawberry Feed at the Masonic Home on Sunday July 22nd starting at 10AM. Crow Canyon serves fresh Strawberry Shortcake to all the residence of the home. This is great fun and deserves your support. Let Chairman Wor. Ron Katz know that you plan to attend!
A thought: If you have received the Light and you do not participate, then you are still in darkness!