Brethren and Families:In our last Trestleboard, our Worshipful Master offered a free dinner at the May Stated meeting for any lodge brother that displayed the installed “Lodge App” on their smartphone. I’m pleased to announce that 18 brothers took us up on the offer and indeed enjoyed a fine meal prepared by Uncle Roy and his ‘Galloping Gourmets’.
May 12th had our Masonic Family on Parade down Castro Valley Blvd.. Leading the caravan were the DeMolay, followed by Job's Daughters, Eastern Star, and then the Masons. It was great fun to display our Masonic presence to the community that we all belong to and support. A big ‘Thank You’ to Castro Valley DeMolay for all your hard work setting this up, and to Uncle Roy for the last minute use of your covered wagon!
June will see two very important Masonic events:
6/14/2018 (Flag Day) at 6:00 PM - The presentation of the 50 year pin for Leonard Ambrose PM. This is a free dinner and free event for all. Please RSVP to me so that we can get a proper headcount. Please plan on attending to display your brotherly love and appreciation.
6/23/2018 at 5:30 PM – Feast of St. John the Baptist (Masons Only). This will be held at our lodge, and will include a 7-course meal prepared by our own celebrated chefs. This will be a suit or tux event and will, as always, be an event to look forward to. Please RSVP to me so we can get a proper headcount for this as well. Cost for this event will be the crazy low price of $25.00!

Now for an update on the ‘Rod and Gun Club’.
This June Stated Meeting, we are looking for solid commitments for the ‘Deep Sea Salmon Fishing trip’ scheduled for July 14th. If you would like to attend this event, please bring a check for $100, or a portion thereof to hold your place on the boat. Please call me or Phil Bush with any questions.
On the weekend of June 9-10th, we will host a “Hunter Safety” course from 9:00 am – 2:00 PM. Everyone who fully attends the two day course will receive the certificate of safety. This event is open to all Masonic coordinate bodies and family members! The cost of the course will be $20.
In closing, my Brothers, take a moment to give a fellow brother that you may not have heard from in a while a phone call to see how they are doing. Let them know that you care, as we all wish to feel the same upon us.