Konnichiwa Masonic Friends, (That’s Japanese for hello!) ,
It has been such a wonderful term full of ‘Hakuna Matata’ love which was led by Honored Queen E. Keene. As we start our new term, our Bethel plans to promote ‘Namaste.’ After all the years of true dedication, I have been elected as our next Honored Queen.
We cordially invite you to our 190th Installation of Officers on June 9th at 7:30pm to be held at the Castro Valley Masonic Center (you know where that is, right?). Our Bethel really hopes to see you.
After installation our Bethel will go to Grand Bethel. It will be in late June in Visalia. Then a few of us will be heading to Jobs Daughter Supreme Sessions in Layton, Utah in late July. Our Bethel will resume regular business meetings in September. We wish you a wonderful summer full of health and happiness.
“Namaste to all”, Masonic Friends. We are one!
Learn more at Masons4Youth.org.
