
August was named in honor of Augustus Caesar. It has 31 days because Augustus wanted as many days as Julius Caesar's month of July had.
I hope everyone had a good July while the Lodge was dark. However the Lodge had two very successful events. The Sportsman’s Club enjoyed a deep sea ocean fishing trip where everyone on the boat caught the legal limit. Then Wor. Ron Katz led the Lodge in a fun Strawberry Feed at the Masonic Home. It is always good visiting with our brothers and their spouses while enjoying strawberry shortcake.
We are busy again this month where we begin with .
Les Blake’s Hiram Award dinner and presentation on the 16th. Reservations required.
The following week, on August 23rd, Mr. Tramaine Ellison will receive his 1st Degree . Lite dinner at 6:15 and Lodge opens at 7PM. Our Jr. Warden, Paul Rodriguez-O’Brian, will be in the East.
The last Thursday we will enjoy a Potluck.
In September the Lodge will be honoring our cooks by preparing them, and everyone else, a steak dinner. As this will be a single serving meal reservations are REQUIRED. We have in the past had a number of brothers arrive for dinner who did not make a reservation. This caused us to cut portions from others meals to accommodate these walk-ins. This will not be possible at September’s Stated Meeting.
For every Stated Meeting dinner please call our Secretary or Jr. Warden to place your name on the dinner list.