I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable July with friends,

family, and loved ones. It’s been a warm summer so far, which possibly means firing-up that rusty BBQ, traveling throughout the states, or going to see a movie just to get into an air-conditioned building.
On August 16th, we will be honored to present the Hiram Award for Les Blake AKA: VDP (Valued Dough Puncher), from 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM. Please plan on attending to show your support and appreciation for all the tireless work he does for his Masonic family and the lodge. Remember to RSVP early as this will be a popular event.
Rounding off the month of August will be the Potluck Dinner on the 30th. This has been a fun and well attended gathering in the past, bringing together our extended families, as we all enjoy each-other’s favorite creations. Last name assignments for this particular dinner will be “A-K” bringing a cold dish, “L-T” Deserts, and “U-Z will be Hot Meals. The Lodge will provide as well. Hope to see you there!
Now for a twist: The Officers will be cooking the September Stated Dinner for the lodge to show our appreciation to Roy’s hard working crew. So sit back, ignore the smoke, be patient, and pretend it all worked out smoothly.
An update on the ‘Rod and Gun Club’:

The ‘Deep Sea Fishing trip’ on July 15th was a big success with 16 people casting their lines for Rock-Cod. Everyone filled their daily limits, and all enjoyed friendly competitions throughout the day. This will definitely be an event to repeat. If you would like to attend this type of event, just let me or Phil Busch know at the next ‘Rod and Gun Club’ meeting on Saturday August 11th.
The Hunter Safety course on June 9-10th was unfortunately cancelled at the last minute due to the instructor needing to undergo a medical procedure along with the associated recovery time. However, we will offer this course again in several months.
In closing, my Brothers, remember that a good meal sits even better when you give it time to rest, so stay for the Stated Meeting to support your elected officers in exemplifying ritual and conducting the business of our lodge.