As summer comes to a close, Bethel 1 has been busy. In June we had 9 girls attend Grand Bethel in Visalia. Then in July, our Honored Queen, Aleesha traveled to Utah to take part in Supreme Session 2018 “The Red Rock Session”. Delightfully Aleesha (HQ) was picked to be Supreme Bethel Representative to Saskatchewan for the 2018-2019 year. In August we had 6 girls travel to Disneyland for Pixar fest. The girls have been fundraising to attend all these functions and they are seeing their hard work payoff.
Also, our meetings will return. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday. We encourage you to come to our meetings which are usually held at John Knox Presbyterian Church in Dublin at 7pm. However, there are a few upcoming meetings scheduled to be at Castro Valley Masonic Center so please check in with our council members including our friendly masons Mr. Bill Ferrell and Mr. Fred Avery.
Lastly, we encourage you to attend our GGOV – Grand Guardian’s Official Visit on October 10th to be held at CVMC at 7PM. This is a fun meeting where we will honor our Grand Guardian and Associate Grand Guardian. We look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you for your continued support.
