Hope you had a wonderful summer. Now that fall is upon us it is time to look forward to a new masonic year, 2019. Life members will receive their 2019 dues receipt along with a request for donations toward the per capita tax. This request as always is voluntary. Your dues statements will be mailed out the first week of November. Remember that your dues must paid by January 1, 2019 to remain in good standing The Grand Lodge has set their per capita tax at $51.00 and the lodge dues still remain at $60.00 per year. The lodge dues plus the per capita tax is $111.00 This has not yet been finalize by Grand Lodge and will not be until our Annual Communication. When writing your check, make it out to Crow Canyon Lodge No. 551 and use the self-address envelop enclosed with the dues request.
As we age, one never knows what lies around the corner. I have been in contact with the Masonic Outreach people at the

Masonic Home in Union City. They have informed me that if you are suspended for non-payment of dues a break in your masonic service occurs. As a result your “active membership” qualification time for Masonic Assistance from the outreach program resets to zero if you are reinstated. You must have five years of uninterrupted membership in order to qualify for any of the Masonic Home services. If you have any questions or would like to find out if you can get help from the Outreach Program, please call 888-466-3642 and they will be happy to assist you. And the beat goes on !