Brethren and Families:
Stretch forth your hands and welcome into our ranks our newest Brother; Nicholas J. Nelson, who was made an Entered Apprentice Mason within our lodge on September 13, 2018.
September has been a busy month for our lodge being that we have had many outside activities to participate in before we see a change of seasons. We had the CV Fall Festival with our ‘Child ID’ program which was a phenomenal success, having over 300 children gracing our booth. There was the ‘Lodge Annual Picnic’ at Tilden Park, Berkeley. A fun time was had with trains, Tri-Tip, and fellowship. There were also a couple of newly Entered Apprentices present with large appetites. The Acting Chef for the day was Brother Perry Klahr. The meat was cooked perfectly! (not too bad for a ‘rookie’.)

As the seasons change, the impulse to hunker-down seems to take hold. Resist the urge to hibernate and watch your Lichen Garden grow. Please have a look at our calendar, circle what looks interesting, and make a commitment to attend a lodge event in October. My personal recommendation would be the ‘Annual White Table Night’ on October 27th! Hope to see you there.
Finally, I would like to ask you my brothers to think of the challenges and catastrophes our fellow brothers have been experiencing. From devastating fires in the West, to Hurricanes in the East. We see it on the news, and possibly know several friends, families, and Brothers who are living with this now. I ask that you pray for them, and for the brave persons who are there with them, by relieving their distresses, and tirelessly putting their own safety at risk to save a neighbor or strangers. Bless them all, and wish them peace of mind and a speedy recovery.
