November is the time that we pause and reflect with our family the wonderful abounds that this great country has to offer. November is also the time that our dues statements are mailed. Along with the return envelope is a questionnaire, which is something new. What was or is your occupation? We would like to update this information. The last time this was done was when you completed your Blue Lodge application. For the new Entered Apprentices who have not paid your 2018 dues and do not wish to continue with your degrees, please let me know, I will issue you a demit . By doing this, the lodge will save a lot of time and money. The statement will reflect the amount of money you owe.
The per capita tax for 2019 has increased by $2.00 to $51.00. The lodge dues will remain at $60.00 for a total of $111.00 . There are 16 members who have not paid their 2018 dues. Suspension for nonpayment of dues will occur on the June 2019 Stated Meeting.
The lodge will be electing a new slate of offices. I wish them well and the guidance to lead us into an new and prosperous year. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.