Brethren and Families:
We once more find ourselves in November. Although you wouldn’t guess it to be so with all this dry and warm weather. As we approach the end of the year, and the end of our terms are ever near, we look back at the events we planned, and the out-reaching of our brotherly hands. To now reflect upon, what work had the best effect on, your support and of the lodge together, we do stand.
Brothers, please welcome our newest Master Mason, Brother Andrew Hawes, who was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on October 25th, 2018. Brother Hawes has been a very active parent within our Masonic Youth Orders, a regular to all our events, and a very supportive Brother in his relatively short time within our lodge. Congratulations my Brother!

On another note, due to the lack of participation in the meetings of the “Sportsman Club” (which met at the lodge on the 2nd Saturday in the month), the club has decided to cancel all future meetings and instead move to “Event Only” get-togethers. We hope to have 4 events per year, and will cancel each event if the minimum reservations needed to host the event are not met. Please stay tuned, as we will advertise upcoming events here, at the monthly lodge dinners, and at Stated Meetings.
While looking at our calendar, we see that the next scheduled Potluck (typically being on the 5th Thursday of the month) was scheduled for November 29th. Although this would be a perfect occasion to empty our refrigerators of all left-over turkey, stuffin’, and yams, it has been decided to cancel this Potluck (due, perhaps, to the danger of Tryptophan-overdose or any other serious side effects which have been known to instantly shorten the length of trouser belts or cause the immediate threat of bursting shirt button projectiles.)
Finally, my Brothers, I wish you and yours joy and rekindled love as families get together for this Thanksgiving. Fun and food will be had, and faces long unseen will ignite the memories and the friendships which makes each of us proud to be living our lives as Masons.
