Happy New Year! We have a busy and fun year ahead of us.
We ended 2018 with a 2nd Degree for Bro. Nicholas Nelson and the Family Christmas Party attended by more than seventy. Good fellowship was enjoyed at all these events.
In January, we will celebrate the Worshipful Brother Joseph G. Stewart, PM on his 25 years in Masonry. Crow Canyon will host the first District Officers School of Instruction on Thursday January 10th. All Master Masons are welcome to attend. Our first Potluck will take place on the 5th Thursday on January 31st, and every 5th Thursday in 2019.
In February, we will hold our Annual Crab Feed on Saturday the 23rd. Our lodge will be Dark on Thursday February 14th in honor of Valentine’s Day. Remember your ladies with a night out (as the Lodge Officers will be honoring theirs.)
Ever want to visit Washington DC? Our Sr. Warden is considering a visitation to confer a degree at The George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Va. He is planning to visit the White House, Congress, the FBI, the Smithsonian Museums, and other national monuments. If this sounds interesting, let Paul know you are interested.