A lot of upgrades and repairs are being done to the lodge hall during his period when there are no groups meeting. Listed below are the various projects under way.
If you have been by the lodge recently you’ve seen the front porch roof under repair. A year ago we found what we thought was a small amount of dry rot on the face board. As our contractor started the work he found more rot. The damage extended the full length of the porch and under the roof. The work will not be completed until we have no rain expected.
We are also replacing the carpet in the lobby area. The new floor will be a wooden appearing board laminate It will extend from the front door to the rest rooms. We expect this work to be completed by early May. We want to thank the various renters for working with us to move their materials to storage in the dining hall.
We have also updated the lighting in the dining hall by installing LED lights and adding a row of lights over the counter area. You will find dining hall much brighter. The lights will also now be motion activated. Pat Quinn has been doing this work. It is close to being done.
On Friday night April 10th the drinking fountain leaked until it was found on Saturday morning. The water extended from the front of the rest rooms to the kitchen. In some areas the water was ½ inch deep. It had seeped under the wall into the preparation room. We were able to get Hurtado Bros Carpets out in an hour and the water was removed by early Saturday afternoon. As a result of the leak we have removed the drinking fountain. There was minimal damage to the floor.