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From the East

Writer's picture: Ron Katz, PMRon Katz, PM

By Robert Eckstein, PM—Master


Our Annual Crab Feed was a sellout and a big success. Thank you to all who worked on this fun event.

We welcome Brother Aaron E. Johnson who received his First Degree on February 28th. Our Junior Warden, Bro. Brian Ross did a fine job in the East. We look forward to more Brothers attending the degrees. #CrabFeed #NewMember #WelcomeAaron #ThumbsUpBroJuniorWarden

At our March Stated Meeting we welcome our Worshipful Inspector Allen Cuenca on his Official Visit to Crow Canyon Lodge. #OfficialVisit #DistrictInspector #GrandLodgeRepresentative

The Grand Master has proclaimed March 2019 to be Youth Orders Month in California. “I call upon all California Masons to make a difference for the future of our fraternity by supporting the incredible young people who have turned to Masonic values for guidance.” We will host the National Sojourners on March 20th as they present their patriotic program “Building-the-Flag.” All Brothers and our youth are invited for food and fun. Come see this great presentation and meet the members of our youth orders. #MasoncYouthOrders #YouthOrdersMonth #NationalSojourners #Patritism #BuildingTheFlag #FreeMeal

On Saturday morning, March 23rd, there will be a Masonic Funeral Class at Alameda Lodge in Fremont. Would you like to be certified to perform a Masonic Service? Do you need to renew your current certification? Would you like to see how it is presented? Please let me know and I will let our Inspector know that you plan to attend. #LearnHow #FuneralServicePresentation #Respect #Certification

Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour on March 10th to welcome Daylight Savings time! #DayLightSavings #SpringForward

Your Senior Officers will be working hard at the Master & Wardens Leadership Retreat on March 29, 30, and 31st. Here we will learn time-tested management skills, new ideas for invigorating the lodge and how to create an action plan to accomplish the changes we envision. We plan to keep Crow Canyon Lodge moving forward. #ContinuingEducation #LeadershipDevelopment #LodgeManagement #Action #PlanforSuccess #MovingForward


Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternity. It is comprised of adult men (18+) of good character from every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion. Its body of knowledge and system of ethics is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, his faith, his country, and his fraternity.

Contact Us


Crow Canyon Masonic Lodge is located at

4521 Crow Canyon Road

Castro Valley, California

Phone Number: (510) 556-4253

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