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Writer's pictureRon Katz, PM

From the East

By Paul Rodriguez-Obrien — Master

My Masonic Family.

There is no greater honor as Worshipful Master, then to watch the Junior Warden present the “Light” to a new Brother Entered Apprentice Mason; to stand beside the Senior Warden as he sees the new Fellowcraft Mason’s eyes opening to “More Light” in Freemasonry, and as the Worshipful Master to present “Further Light” as they become a Master Mason.

As your Worshipful Master I have been blessed to be a part of all these experiences since we reopened our Lodge less than 4 months ago. It’s been a beautiful thing to see your Officers put in such hard work and accomplish so much in such a short time.

I would like to also take this time to congratulate your Brothers who have, and will have reached the sublime degree of Master Mason within the month of October: Brother Tremaine Ellison, Brother Aaron Johnson, Brother “Scott” Hamilton, and Brother “Ozzie” Ghani.

As Newly Raised Masons, your journey has only just begun. Take heart the advice that our Junior Deacon Phil Busch always advises Brothers as they pass their degrees; “You will get out of Masonry, exactly what you put into it”. I therefore suggest you look at the various avenues for participation in the activities of our Lodge so as to find the areas where you will be the happiest in your new Masonic home.

There is such a variety of ways to serve and to benefit: a period of duty in one of the committees organized by the incoming ‘Worshipful Master’ Brian Ross; learning to participate as a sideliner in some aspects of degree work; answer the calling of becoming an Officer, or simply supporting the Lodge by regular attendance at Stated and Special Meetings; calling on a Brother who is ill; bringing wives, families and friends to our social functions; taking up the study of Masonic research, and, of special importance, partaking of all the good fellowship which is available to you through this Lodge.

May you chart your Masonic course with wisdom and humility, and may you experience the rewards which are yours to earn and receive.

Lastly my Brothers, there is just a short time left in this year. The new Officers (may they be elected to serve) will fill the advanced chairs for the October 7th Stated Meeting. Please attend and give them your encouragement and support as they continue on their journey in becoming the future Worshipful Masters of Crow Canyon Lodge #551.

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