By Brian Ross — Master
I am so excited about the new year and my turn as Master of the Lodge! The support that I have received from the Brethren has been astonishing and I truly appreciate it. I have an ambitious schedule this year and I am confident that we will provide a greater Lodge experience in 2022 for our brothers and their families. Also, the officers will be working hard on the agenda in 2023 - and our 100th Anniversary complete with all the ceremonies that come with that great milestone. If you have any ideas on how the Lodge should celebrate the anniversary, please feel free to contact any of the officers with them. Stay tuned.
The month of February has something for everyone. After the Stated Meeting on February 3, our annual Sweethearts’ event is scheduled to take place on February 12, the details of which will be announced at our Stated Meeting. Thereafter, as many of you know, I have scheduled a Superbowl party to be held at the Lodge on February 13 @ 2:30 p.m. The party is open to Lodge members and their families. The Lodge will provide pizza, finger food and sodas. We also will resume our Annual Crab Feed this year on February 26, with one change - due to the price of crab the Lodge will serve a mixture of crab and shrimp, and an alternate chicken dinner. The event was limited to 100 and is already sold out - I hope to see you there. Finally, the Lodge plans to administer double first degrees both on February 10 and February 17. Please participate as a sideliner in support of the candidate and the officers of the Lodge. All of these events are subject to COVID-19 restrictions.