We are starting 2019 with a lot of address changes. Most of the changes are from our sweethearts. Each time a change goes through the US Post Office it cost the lodge 0.59ȼ. This month I have received about ten of them. If you are moving, give me a call at 510 258 0654, email me at donschauersr@gmail.com or drop me a note at 19767 Royal Avenue, Hayward 94541. If you feel that you no longer want to receive our Trestleboard, please let me know and I will remove you from our mailing list.
The receipt of annual dues has slowed down considerably. As of January 15th, 52 members have not paid their dues. Of those 52 members, 12 are delinquent on their 2018 dues. Remember the lodge will have to pay your per-capita tax even if you don't pay your dues. If you have a hardship and are not able to pay, please contact me and we may be able to have your dues remitted. Check your dues receipt.
Now that the rainy season is upon us, I ask each of you drive carefully.