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From the Secretary’s Table

Writer's picture: Ron Katz, PMRon Katz, PM

By Perry Klahr. —Secretary

I’d like to start off by first thanking Bro. Donald Schauer for his friendship and mentorship this last year as he prepared me to take on the responsibilities as your Lodge Secretary. Also a thank you Bro. William Ferrell for his willingness to answer the many question that I’ve had, but more importantly the many yet to come.

I am looking forward to serving the lodge in this capacity and will strive to live up to standards set by Don and others before him. If I can be of any assistance or if you have questions please feel free to reach out to me anytime at:

Perry Klahr

3278 Clifford Circle

Pleasanton, CA 94588

(925) 699-1786

Now onto the housekeeping side of things:

Today CCL 551 has 246 Members of which 57 have Life Memberships. Our average age is 72.1 with our youngest member being 37 and our most mature being 98.

The Grand Lodge has taken over dues communication and collection this year for our 2021 dues. They’ve send out emails and US mail to all non-life members so you should have seen something from them by now. Our dues this year are $116 of which $55.50 goes to the grand lodge as per capita. Our lodge dues remains unchanged as it has for many years at $60. (plus 50 cents to make it a whole dollar amount)

Starting this year you have the option of paying your dues via a credit card on the new iMember 2.0 site at:

If this is your first time at the site you can register and setup a userid and password using your member number.

If you would prefer to pay by personal check please sent that to me at the address above made out to CCL 551.

Once you pay your dues you can also personally print out your dues card using the Virtual Card option on the My Portal page.

If in these challenging times payment of your dues causes any hardship, please reach out to me to discuss.

I also ask that while you are on the imember site that you confirm your contact information including your email address (if you use email). We are currently missing over 70 email addresses and given that we are doing virtual meetings and sending other communications a number of you are missing out. I will start reaching out to you individually to gather this information to ensure we are able to communicate with you.

In closing I want to wish my brothers and their families a healthy and prosperous New Year. I am looking forward to getting back to the lodge and enjoying time with the fraternity.



Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternity. It is comprised of adult men (18+) of good character from every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion. Its body of knowledge and system of ethics is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, his faith, his country, and his fraternity.

Contact Us


Crow Canyon Masonic Lodge is located at

4521 Crow Canyon Road

Castro Valley, California

Phone Number: (510) 556-4253

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