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From the Secretary’s Table

Writer's picture: Perry KlahrPerry Klahr

By Perry Klahr — Secretary

Your new secretary has been keeping busy with the many responsibilities that come with his new role. The Grand Lodge has been providing an online secretary boot camp that is covering topics such as iMember 2.0 training, Governance: Minutes, By-laws, Important Records and Record Retention, the Membership Process, and Dues & Fees. This has been provided over several evenings and is well attended with typically 90 lodge secretaries across California learning and having our questions answered.

Regarding Dues & Fees, we still show 39 brothers who have not yet paid their 2021 dues. Given the Grand Lodge has taken on the dues collections and reporting there are opportunities where things may have gotten lost in the mail or recorded incorrectly. As a reminder our dues for 2021 are $116 and if you have not yet paid your dues you can go to the new iMember 2.0 site at: and pay with your credit card. Alternately, you can send me your payment to my address:

Perry Klahr

3278 Clifford Circle

Pleasanton, CA 94588

(925) 699-1786

For those that iMember shows have not yet paid, our retention committee & I will start reaching out to you via phone calls to get an update from you to learn if your payment was lost or to better understand your personal situation. If for any reason payment of dues causes a hardship, please share that information and we will work with the Master to determine how we can help.

Also, in support of the Sweetheart Event that was held this past February 13th, at the end of January we mailed out 130 invitations to our widows. A request for contact information updates along with a self-addressed stamped envelope was also included. As of this writing, we have received less than 20 replies. We would appreciate all of our Sweethearts providing a response so that we can confirm that the contact information we have for you is accurate. Also, as noted in the letter sent, please let us know if the lodge can assist you in any way.



Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternity. It is comprised of adult men (18+) of good character from every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion. Its body of knowledge and system of ethics is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, his faith, his country, and his fraternity.

Contact Us


Crow Canyon Masonic Lodge is located at

4521 Crow Canyon Road

Castro Valley, California

Phone Number: (510) 556-4253

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