Over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed sitting in the East as Master of the Lodge in preparation for the upcoming First Degree for our newest candidate, Aaron Johnson. I am truly looking forward to formally sitting as Master of the Lodge and consider it a privilege to do so. Even more compelling, I am happy to announce that our District Inspector, Worshipful Allen Cuenca, has requested to give the long-form Entered Apprentice lecture. I am honored to have him stand in for me and cannot wait to hear his rendition of the most important part of the degree. I look forward to the sideline attendance by all able-bodied brothers for what promises to be a special evening for our candidate. #MastersChair#DegreeWork#LongFormLecture#DistrictInspector#EnteredApprentice#SpecialEvening
Speaking of able-bodies, I want to reach out to those who are not as able-bodied as they would like to be and miss their Masonic experience. To each such Brother, let it be known that it is our intention to do whatever is necessary to get you back to the lodge. If you need a ride to and from our various events, all you need to do is telephone any of your officers and ask for one. Our contact numbers are listed here in the Trestleboard for your reference. Please call - it is our pleasure to accommodate you – you make our lodge better by being here. We miss you! #MissYou#Call4aRide#JoinUsatLodge