By Alex Von Stade, PM — Jr. Warden
Brethren: Welcome to the month of April. It is unclear as to the actual origin of the name April. Some experts say it comes from the word, Aprilis. Others feel that it originates from the Latin word aperire or aperit, which means “to open” and refers to the opening of buds on trees that occur at this time of year. Still others feel that it derives from the Latin word, apricus which means “sunny” and refers to the spring weather with clear skies and warming temperatures that we experience this month.
Besides the two obvious days associated with April (April Fool’s Day & Tax Day), there are two special days that occur this month. Although they are not celebrated as National Holidays, they are both important to all the inhabitants of this planet. On April 22nd , we celebrate Earth Day, a day dedicated to the support and protection of the environment and which began in 1970. On April 26th, we celebrate Arbor Day, which began in 1872, whose purpose was to encourage individuals to plant trees in honor or memory of a loved one. It also emphasizes the power of trees as they support our health and the health of our environment.
Although our lives can become busy at times we must take the time to enjoy the outdoors and the benefits of nature. Happy April!