To all my Brothers, I would first like to thank you for your continued commitment to Masonry and to reading your Trestleboard. It is your barometer of the health of your lodge and a way to keep in touch, if but in a passive way. #ReadItMonthly#KeepInTouch
To my Brothers that feel uncomfortable showing up to lodge after being away for a long time, I would like to offer to you a memorable opportunity to reacquaint yourself with the Masonic ceremonies that you participated in some time ago by having you participate in a refresher ceremony we call, “The Rusty Trowel”. #WeMissYou#WelcomeBack#RustyTrowel
The intent of the Rusty Trowel ceremony is to reintroduce Sojourners and/or brethren who have been absent from lodge for an extended period of time to basic Masonic protocols, so they once again become comfortable with attending lodge events. #MasonicSojourners#BasicProtocol#AttendingLodge
In this ceremony, you will be reacquainted with that basic Masonic knowledge as it was presented to you in your 3 separate degrees, although it will be in a much more condensed format. This information is the basic knowledge you will need to attend all Blue Lodge tiled functions and ceremonies.
To participate in “The Rusty Trowel”, you only need to be a Master Mason of our lodge and in Good Standing (meaning your dues are current).
If you would like to participate, you can reach out to me in a number of ways:
- By phone. (510) 461-1071 (please leave a voice message. I receive too many advertising phone calls, so I don’t answer my phone if I don’t recognize the number).
- By walking up to me during stated dinners, lodge, or through word of mouth by your brothers attending events listed in the Trestleboard.
- Via sending an email to
- I can be also be reached by post to:
Attn: SW Paul “Rusty Trowel”
Crow Canyon Masonic Center
4521 Crow Canyon Rd,
Castro Valley, CA 94552
We will be waiting to hear from you so we can plan several opportunities that will meet the needs of small groups of participants, should that be weekdays, nights, or weekends. We will do our best to arrange transportation for you should you be of need. Just let us know how we can help. #Call4aRide#ParticpationMakesLodgeMoreFun#FlexiblePlans
As always, my brothers, We are Masons, and we take pride in this. #MasonicPride