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Know Your Masonic Code

Article 8—Rights and Duties of Masons

804.810. Generally.

A Mason has all of the rights applicable to him in the California Masonic Code (CMC), the General Regulations of Masonry and the Ritual, subject to the limitations applicable to demitted, withdrawn, suspended or expelled Masons. Every Mason, including a demitted, withdrawn, suspended or expelled Mason, is subject to all the duties applicable to him in the CMC, the General Regulations of Masonry and the Ritual.

804.815. Right to Attend Meetings.

Except as otherwise provided in Section 807.020 of this Code, it is the right of every member of a Lodge at all times to be present and participate in its proceedings while he conducts himself with due order and propriety. For a breach of propriety, the Master may refuse him admission or exclude him. The Master should refuse admission to any member who presents himself in a state of intoxication [Amended: 2012] [Source: Section 23080 of the 1991 CMC] For more information, please refer to the Appendix on Grand Masters’ Decisions.

804.820. Right to Burial.

It is the right of every Mason, other than a demitted, withdrawn, suspended or expelled Mason, to a Masonic memorial service or interment with Masonic honors. The foregoing notwithstanding, a demitted Master Mason has the right to a Masonic memorial service or internment with Masonic honors if he dies within a year after receiving a demit.

It is the duty of the lodge to inter an eligible Mason of that Lodge, wherever he may have died, and an eligible Mason of another Lodge in this or any other Jurisdiction who dies within the vicinity of the Lodge. If such deceased Mason’s financial circumstances require it, the Lodge shall pay the necessary expenses of the interment, even if the deceased Mason’s Lodge refuses to reimburse the Lodge for such expenses.

Now you are just a little more Masonic educated!

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